Hip dislocation refers to the dislocation or slipping of the articular surfaces inside the hip joint where the femur (upper leg bone) and pelvis (pelvic bones) meet. Hip dislocation can occur as a result of a traumatic injury or due to chronic hip problems.
There are two main types of hip dislocation:
Traumatic Hip Dislocation: This type of hip dislocation usually occurs as a result of an accident, fall or a heavy blow. Traumatic hip dislocation occurs when the bones or ligaments affecting the hip joint are torn.
Congenital or Chronic Hip Dislocation: This type of hip dislocation usually develops as a result of congenital or long-term hip problems. Congenital hip dislocation is particularly common in infants and can have a negative impact on hip development if left untreated.
Signs and symptoms of hip dislocation may include
Severe hip pain
Swelling and bruising in the buttocks
The hip is out of its normal position
Restriction or impossibility of hip joint movements
Hip dislocation is a medical emergency and requires immediate treatment. Treatment options may vary depending on the type and severity of the hip dislocation. Treatment usually includes the following:
Hip Dislocation Replacement: Hip replacement by a healthcare professional is performed in cases of traumatic hip dislocation. This is an emergency procedure and is done to relieve the patient’s pain.
Surgical Intervention
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