Hip impingement syndrome refers to a health condition that occurs when the bones or soft tissues around the hip joint make abnormal contact. This contact can limit hip joint movement and cause pain. Hip impingement syndrome is often associated with long-term overuse or morphological changes to the hip joint.
There are two main types of hip impingement syndrome:
Bifurcation Type (Glass Type) Hip Impingement: In this type of syndrome, the bones around the hip joint (for example, the femoral head or hip socket) may grow in abnormal ways. These growths limit joint movement and put constant pressure on soft tissues, which can lead to pain and inflammation.
Traction-type (Pincer-type) hip impingement: In this type of syndrome, the bones around the hip joint extend forward more than normal. In this case, the bones can limit the movement of the joint and damage the soft tissues.
Symptoms of hip impingement syndrome may include
Hip pain, especially pain around the hip or in the thigh.
Pain or a feeling of tightness during movement.
Limited range of motion of the hip joint.
Pain or tenderness in the thigh or groin area.
Hip impingement syndrome is usually diagnosed by physical examination, X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans. Treatment options may vary depending on the type and severity of the syndrome and the patient’s symptoms. Treatment options
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