Prof. Dr. Mehmet İşyar – Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Doktoru

Shoulder Dislocations

Mehmet İşyar, M.D. Prof

Shoulder dislocation is an orthopedic problem caused by the dislocation or displacement of the bones in the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint is a joint that connects the arm to the trunk and can move in many directions. This mobility is based on the complexity of a series of bones, ligaments, muscles and cartilage structures that ensure the stability of the shoulder joint. However, this natural mobility of the shoulder joint also leads to frequent shoulder dislocations.

Shoulder dislocations are usually caused by trauma, falls or overuse. Most shoulder dislocations can be what is called “anteversion” or “recurrent”. Anteversion dislocations are dislocations of the bones of the shoulder joint during normal movement, usually as a result of a traumatic event and may require emergency treatment. Recurrent dislocations, on the other hand, are repeated dislocations of the shoulder and the treatment process can be more complex.

Symptoms of shoulder dislocations can include severe pain, swelling, limitation of movement and a marked change in the shape of the shoulder. If shoulder dislocations are left untreated, there may be damage to the joint and an increased risk of recurrent dislocations.

Shoulder dislocations are usually diagnosed by imaging methods such as X-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Treatment options can vary depending on the type and severity of the dislocation and the age of the patient. These options may include medications, physical therapy, immobilization (shoulder sling), or surgery.

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