Prof. Dr. Mehmet İşyar – Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Doktoru

Rotator Sheath (Cuff) Tears

Mehmet İşyar, M.D. Prof

Rotator sheath tears are an orthopedic problem in which four important tendons surrounding the shoulder joint (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis) are torn or damaged. These tendons form a structure called the rotator sheath and contain important muscles and ligaments that provide shoulder joint movements and allow the arm to be moved away from the shoulder, rotated and raised.

Rotator sheath tears usually occur as a result of repetitive use of the shoulder joint, aging, trauma or overuse. These tears are characterized by symptoms such as severe pain, weakness, limited shoulder movement and sometimes “dislocation” of the shoulder. Such tears can make activities that involve lying on or lifting the shoulder difficult.

Rotator sheath tears are usually diagnosed by physical examination and imaging methods (for example, magnetic resonance imaging – MRI). Treatment options may vary depending on the type and severity of the tear and the age of the patient. Treatment options may include rest, physical therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), injections and surgery.

Surgical intervention may be necessary depending on the size of the rotator sheath tear and the patient’s symptoms. Surgery is used to repair or reconnect the torn tendons. Rehabilitation after surgery helps the shoulder regain strength and increase range of motion.

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